sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

When happiness knocks on your door

Happiness always someone knocks the door;
But sometimes it's the longing that comes knocking;
The longing that always slams the door too;
But we always have to open the door to see;

We never know who is knocking;
We don't know if it is happiness or longing;
But if we open the door we will learn;
And I'm always waiting for happiness;

When happiness knocks on your door;
Open and is quite happy for ever;
And never be afraid to open the door;

Happiness, I always want to have;
Longing unwittingly comes to mind;
But on my door can hit only one;

 To be continued!


When happiness knocks on your door;
You can never forget opening;
When the longing knocks on your door;
You can open so you can feel;

The longing for someone who wants to love you;
Of course it's better to happiness;
But sometimes it is good that may one day return;
The love that only gave you a lot of longing;

When happiness knocks on your door;
Don't forget to open up and be very happy;
Happiness is all I ever wanted;

When the longing knocks on your door;
You can't forget to also open;
It may be the love you have for someone;

The end!

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